Unsaved NOT Welcome!
An Unnecessary Explanation
The future of Christianity rests in the protection of a people to practice their religion in a safe environment. When unsaved folks are about, the environment becomes "unsafe." Why would an unsaved person want to go to church anyway? To do bodily harm to the people of God? To cause dissension within the body of Christ? To steal something? Church is not a place for unsaved people. It is a place for Christians to gather and be edified in Bible teaching. It is a place for Christian worship and fellowship. An unsaved person wouldn't feel comfortable in Church. They shouldn't - for does the Devil feel free to bask in the sweet light of God's glory? Nay! If you want to get someone saved, do it outside of the church. It's called 'evangelism.' We are tired of being criticized for our Godly policies! We evangelize over 50,000 souls a month outside our church! There is absolutely no reason for an unsaved person to be in church (the only exception would be janitorial, funeral, or matrimonial attendance).
Q: Would you allow a convicted rapist on parole to speak to your daughter after Sunday services?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow an atheist who knew sign language to interpret your pastor's sermon to the deaf?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow a former priest expelled from his parish by the archdiocese due to complaints about "inappropriate conduct with youngsters" to serve as a guest teacher of your child's Sunday school class?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow a mentally ill street person who speaks to himself in loud voices to sit on the front row during Sunday services?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow an abortion doctor to moonlight as your youth director?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow a Deacon to usher with alcohol on his breath?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you have allowed the late Michael Jackson to serve as a counselor for your church's summer camp for boys?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow Barack Hussien Obama anywhere in your church?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow an AIDS-infected homo with lesions to sit in the pew next to your child with a cold?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow ramps and a crippled section in your fellowship hall?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow negroe gang members to lounge on your church steps, cleaning their guns and listening to offensive ghetto music?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow an illegal alien who hasn't bathed in weeks to sit in front of you during services?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow the Reverend Louis Farrakhan to preach in your church?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Now, we hope your ignorant minds are finally satisfied with the truth. If you have read this article and you are unsaved, kindly SHOO!
An Unnecessary Explanation
The future of Christianity rests in the protection of a people to practice their religion in a safe environment. When unsaved folks are about, the environment becomes "unsafe." Why would an unsaved person want to go to church anyway? To do bodily harm to the people of God? To cause dissension within the body of Christ? To steal something? Church is not a place for unsaved people. It is a place for Christians to gather and be edified in Bible teaching. It is a place for Christian worship and fellowship. An unsaved person wouldn't feel comfortable in Church. They shouldn't - for does the Devil feel free to bask in the sweet light of God's glory? Nay! If you want to get someone saved, do it outside of the church. It's called 'evangelism.' We are tired of being criticized for our Godly policies! We evangelize over 50,000 souls a month outside our church! There is absolutely no reason for an unsaved person to be in church (the only exception would be janitorial, funeral, or matrimonial attendance).
Q: Would you allow a convicted rapist on parole to speak to your daughter after Sunday services?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow an atheist who knew sign language to interpret your pastor's sermon to the deaf?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow a former priest expelled from his parish by the archdiocese due to complaints about "inappropriate conduct with youngsters" to serve as a guest teacher of your child's Sunday school class?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow a mentally ill street person who speaks to himself in loud voices to sit on the front row during Sunday services?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow an abortion doctor to moonlight as your youth director?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow a Deacon to usher with alcohol on his breath?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you have allowed the late Michael Jackson to serve as a counselor for your church's summer camp for boys?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow Barack Hussien Obama anywhere in your church?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow an AIDS-infected homo with lesions to sit in the pew next to your child with a cold?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow ramps and a crippled section in your fellowship hall?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow negroe gang members to lounge on your church steps, cleaning their guns and listening to offensive ghetto music?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow an illegal alien who hasn't bathed in weeks to sit in front of you during services?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Q: Would you allow the Reverend Louis Farrakhan to preach in your church?
A: No! Unsaved are NOT welcome!
Now, we hope your ignorant minds are finally satisfied with the truth. If you have read this article and you are unsaved, kindly SHOO!
